
cowboy boot 〔美國〕牛仔靴。

cowboy hat

After a brief pit stop to change out of jeans and cowboy boots at a manhattan hotel - - hendricks joked that there was no sense in further perpetuating the texas stereotype - - clemens finally arrived at yankee stadium in the sixth inning of sunday ' s game against the mariners 隨后,克萊門斯一度回到飯店去換下牛仔褲和牛仔靴- -亨德瑞曾笑說以后沒道理再以服飾來代表德州形象了- -然后終于在第六局時回到洋基主場。

And for his cowboy wardrobe , bush received a brown pair of $ 295 cowboy boots from rocky carroll of houston , texas , and a $ 400 cowboy hat from mickey foster of austin , texas 還有牛仔服飾呢。得克薩斯州休斯敦的羅基?卡羅爾送給布什一雙棕色牛仔靴,價值295美元。得克薩斯州奧斯汀的米基?福斯特送給他一頂價值400美元的牛仔帽。

From motorcycle boots to cowboy boots and western boots , they ' re all gaining in popularity 摩托車靴、牛仔靴和西部靴都漸漸變得流行起來。